EU Parliament: Exchange of views with PalMed Europe on Humanitarian Medical Help in Palestine

EU Parliament: Exchange of views with PalMed Europe on Humanitarian Medical Help in Palestine
These two (UK- and French-Palestinian) binational doctors described the activities of ‘PalMed Europe’; this NGO aims at establishing partnerships between European academic and Palestinian medical institutions in order to help improve the latter.
They described the sorry state of health care services in the Palestinian territories due to the many impediments from Israel, but also from Egypt (no access to Gaza from Rafah).
Dr. Badran stated that MSF colleagues had enquired why was the PalMed delegation being denied access to Gaza. Their Israeli interlocutors had allegedly replied that they would not let in “people with Arab sounding names”.
The Chair concluded that the EU should apply more pressure on Israel and Egypt in order to allow medical doctors and humanitarian aid enter Gaza.