

Supplying Infant Formula to Gaza

Saturday, 24/08/2024


PalMed France has funded a project to purchase infant formula, which is currently unavailable in Gaza due to the ongoing conflict and Israeli force bannig the enterance of baby milks and Fourmula. With a budget of €10,000, we have secured and delivered a supply of formula to Gaza in collaboration with Save the Children’s Gaza. The formula is being distributed through medical centers across Gaza.

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The Ophthalmological Emergency Aid in Gaza aims to restore the collapsed ophthalmology sector in the region.


The situation is dire, as many patients, including children, are experiencing blindness due to injuries and subsequent infections. The eyesight of these patients could have been preserved.
A group of eye doctors from various countries initiated efforts to revive the collapsed ophthalmology sector in Gaza. We formed a task force to evaluate the current situation, identify needs, and establish goals for the immediate, intermediate, and long terms.

Health Situation in the Project Area:

Across the Gaza Strip, only one partially functioning ophthalmology unit performs basic trauma surgeries, such as enucleation. Surgical procedures on the posterior segment of the eye are currently impossible due to the destruction of necessary equipment.


1. Prevent blindness in patients with severe eye injuries.
2. Establish new, well-equipped facilities to accommodate and manage medical cases using appropriate procedures.

Approach and Outputs:

In the initial phase: the German-Arab Ophthalmological Society ”Deutsch-Arabische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DAOG)”  and PalMed Germany will launch a campaign to supply portable equipment for an operating room capable of conducting essential retinal surgeries. A fundraising campaign will seek to raise €150,000. Once the target is met, Phaco and RETINA microscopes, along with necessary instruments, will be procured and transported to the designated location in the south of Gaza.

In the second  phase: will launch a campaign to supply portable equipment for an operating room capable of conducting essential retinal surgeries, along with necessary instruments, will be procured and transported to the designated location in the south  and center of Gaza.


In the Third  phase: will launch a campaign to supply portable equipment for an operating room capable of conducting essential retinal surgeries, along with necessary instruments, will be procured and transported to the designated location in the North of Gaza.


Please join us in preserving the eyesight of many by donating through the following link:


Together, We Can Make a Difference.


 Rehabilitation of the Women and Maternity Department at Kuwaiti Specialised Hospital

Project Location: Rafah Governorate – Gaza Strip – Palestine

Beneficiary Category: Residents of Rafah Governorate, currently estimated at approximately 1.5 million people

Health Situation in the Project Area:

Since the beginning of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip 119 days ago, the enemy has pursued a policy of forced displacement of the population towards Gaza’s southern governorates through various means. This includes murdering the health personnel in the northern Gaza Strip and directly targeting hospitals and health centres. With the onset of the attack on Khan Yunis Governorate in the southern Gaza Strip about a month and a half ago, most of its residents have fled it, including those who fled from Gaza and the North, towards Rafah Governorate. This led to an increase in Rafah’s population to about 5 times its original number, making the health situation in the governorate catastrophic and complex, particularly given the lack of human, medical, and logistical resources.
The latest statistics indicate the presence of more than 50,000 pregnant women in shelter centres in the Gaza Strip, with a daily birth rate of about 180 cases. The vast majority of the pregnant women suffer from malnutrition and general health problems due to the harsh conditions they experience in the shelter centres, whether in shelter schools or tents. There is no health facility in Rafah Governorate that provides women and maternity medical services except for the Emirati Hospital, which cannot cover the large number of daily cases. Statistics also indicate the presence of more than 60,000 breastfeeding women in shelter centres at the moment who are in need of immediate life-saving preventive, therapeutic, and nutritional interventions.
The Kuwaiti Specialised Hospital is deemed the most important charitable hospital that provides health services to citizens, alongside the only government hospital in Rafah Governorate. The geographic presence of the Kuwaiti Hospital in the heart of Rafah Governorate has strengthened its role, therefore placing on it the burden of providing medical services and healthcare for most of the population and displaced people in the governorate. This prompted the hospital management to take several steps, adopt necessary plans to address this crisis, and attempt to address its future consequences. One of these steps is to provide women and maternity services in the hospital.

Project Idea:

This project aims to provide women and maternity services to citizens and displaced women in Rafah Governorate. The hospital has a designated space for such a section, but it requires rehabilitation, including internal doors, windows, lighting, sanitary tools, painting, curtains, and false ceilings.


  1. Contribute to providing medical services to the residents of Rafah Governorate and those displaced to it at the appropriate time and place.
  2. Contribute to providing healthcare services to women in general and pregnant women in particular.
  3. Contribute to providing maternity services in suitable medical conditions.

Project Justifications:

  1. The significant emergency increase in the population of Rafah Governorate due to waves of forced migration and displacement.
  2. The presence of more than 50,000 pregnant women in shelter centres in the Gaza Strip, with over 180 childbirth cases daily.
  3. Most women, especially pregnant ones, suffer from malnutrition and other health effects due to the difficult conditions they experience in shelter centres and displacement camps.

Project Outcomes:

  1. Equipped delivery room with a capacity of 2 beds.
  2. Two postnatal care rooms, each with a capacity of 4 beds.
  3. Obstetrician’s room and midwives’ room
  4. Two equipped bathrooms for bathing.

Positive Impacts of the Project:

  1. Enhancement of public health among citizens and displaced women in Rafah Governorate.
  2. Reduction of the spread of diseases, epidemics, and postpartum complications among women.
  3. Preservation of women’s dignity by receiving them in places suitable for providing various medical services.


Video for the Project after completion:

Together We Can.


Expansion Project of the Emergency and Ambulance Department at Kuwait Specialized Hospital

Gaza Strip – Rafah


Health Situation in Project Area:

Since the onset of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip 100 days ago, the Zionist enemy has pursued a policy of forced displacement of the population towards the southern provinces of the Gaza Strip through various means, including the elimination of health facilities in the northern Gaza Strip and the direct targeting of hospitals and health centres. With the commencement of the attack on Khan Yunis and Central governorates in the south of the Strip over a month ago, most residents of the two governorates, as well as those displaced from Gaza and the north, have been forcefully displaced towards Rafah governorate. It has now become the largest population centre in the Gaza Strip due to its significant influx of displaced individuals. Statistics indicate that its population has reached approximately 1.3 million people, nearly four times its normal population. Consequently, the health situation in the governorate has become disastrous and complex, given the lack of human, medical, and logistical resources.
The Kuwaiti Specialised Hospital is deemed the most significant charitable hospital that provides healthcare services to citizens, alongside the only government hospital in Rafah governorate, due to the significant increase in the number of martyrs and casualties. Thus, there is an urgent need to increase the Hospital’s capacity to cope with the crisis resulting from the ongoing aggression as well as due to the congregation of most of the Strip’s citizens within its walls. Therefore, the proposal is to establish a field hospital attached to the Kuwaiti hospital to alleviate the immense pressure on its various departments.


  1. Contribute towards providing medical services to the residents of Rafah governorate and those displaced to the area at the appropriate time and location.
  2. Contribute towards addressing the significant pressure resulting from the increasing number of cases daily received by the hospital.
  3. Contribute towards expanding the capacity of hospital departments experiencing high volume of cases.
  4. Provide new equipped spaces to receive and handle medical cases using appropriate medical methods.

Project Justifications:

  1. The urgent and significant increase in the population of Rafah governorate due to waves of forced displacement of residents.
  2. The substantial increase in the number of cases received by the Hospital every day.
  3. The urgent need to operate at maximum capacity around the clock, requiring the provision of new spaces equipped with all necessary resources, in addition to the existing spaces.

Project Components:

Medical tents (3), each tent accommodating (12) beds.

Project Outputs:

  1. A field hospital attached to the Kuwaiti Specialised Hospital with a total area of approximately 180 square meters.
  2. Increasing the Hospital’s bed capacity by (36) additional beds (3 tents * 12 beds per tent).

Positive Impact of the Project:

  1. Enhancement of public health among citizens and displaced individuals.
  2. Reduction of the spread of diseases and epidemics, especially given the severe congestion and crowding of citizens in the Rafah governorate.
  3. Preserving the dignity of citizens by receiving them in places suitable for providing various medical services.


Video for the Project after completion:

Together We Can.




Hostile Environment Surgical and Anaesthetic Training (HEST)

In collaboration between the Palestinian Doctors Association and the David Nott Foundation, we aim to train and qualify more than 100 doctors who wish to contribute to providing relief to our people affected by the ravages of war in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Hostile Environment Surgical and Anaesthetic Training (HEST)
Developed and led by David Nott, this course is designed to enhance the skills of surgeons and anesthetists, better preparing them for the daily challenges they face in war zones and disaster-stricken areas. It also aims to assist doctors traveling to such regions.
The course equips doctors with the necessary skills to make rapid, critical decisions while preserving medical resources. It covers a range of surgical procedures and addresses common emergencies during disasters and wars, characterized by equipment shortages and a high volume of medical cases requiring urgent interventions to save lives.
Given that working in crisis zones often rules out cadaveric teaching, the HEST course relies on practical exercises, including suturing prosthetic organs and blood vessels, as well as demonstrations on our specially designed full-body simulator. We also simulate mass casualty scenarios, training our surgeons in the decision-making skills needed to prioritize patients and save lives.
The course focuses on cases associated with wars and disasters, ranging from gunshot and explosive injuries to violent injuries resulting from building collapses and fires. It also covers post-disaster procedures, including skin flaps and grafts, as well as the management of orthopedic fractures using external fixation and amputation cases.
During the course, doctors learn how to make decisions and manage emergency cases related to obstetrics and childbirth, including postpartum hemorrhage and cesarean sections.
The course spans a full four days, during which doctors can expect to cover the following specialties:
Primary and secondary survey, Damage control,  Ballistics.  Cardiothoracic trauma.  Vascular surgery,  Head and neck trauma,  Paediatric surgery,  Abdominal trauma,  Orthopaedic surgery,  Plastic surgery, Trauma in obstetrics and gynaecology.




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