
The Ophthalmological Emergency Aid in Gaza aims to restore the collapsed ophthalmology sector in the region.


The situation is dire, as many patients, including children, are experiencing blindness due to injuries and subsequent infections. The eyesight of these patients could have been preserved.
A group of eye doctors from various countries initiated efforts to revive the collapsed ophthalmology sector in Gaza. We formed a task force to evaluate the current situation, identify needs, and establish goals for the immediate, intermediate, and long terms.

Health Situation in the Project Area:

Across the Gaza Strip, only one partially functioning ophthalmology unit performs basic trauma surgeries, such as enucleation. Surgical procedures on the posterior segment of the eye are currently impossible due to the destruction of necessary equipment.


1. Prevent blindness in patients with severe eye injuries.
2. Establish new, well-equipped facilities to accommodate and manage medical cases using appropriate procedures.

Approach and Outputs:

In the initial phase: the German-Arab Ophthalmological Society ”Deutsch-Arabische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DAOG)”  and PalMed Germany will launch a campaign to supply portable equipment for an operating room capable of conducting essential retinal surgeries. A fundraising campaign will seek to raise €150,000. Once the target is met, Phaco and RETINA microscopes, along with necessary instruments, will be procured and transported to the designated location in the south of Gaza.

In the second  phase: will launch a campaign to supply portable equipment for an operating room capable of conducting essential retinal surgeries, along with necessary instruments, will be procured and transported to the designated location in the south  and center of Gaza.


In the Third  phase: will launch a campaign to supply portable equipment for an operating room capable of conducting essential retinal surgeries, along with necessary instruments, will be procured and transported to the designated location in the North of Gaza.


Please join us in preserving the eyesight of many by donating through the following link:


Together, We Can Make a Difference.


Rafah, April 1, 2024

Today, doctors who took part in the fourth specialised medical delegation of PalMed, jointly with their peers in the sixth delegation of Rahma Worldwide Foundation, left Palestine through the Rafah Crossing. The joint delegation had spent two weeks providing medical aid to our brethren in Gaza at the European Hospital there. The delegation had arrived in Gaza on March 18, 2024 and consisted of 24 medical professionals equipped with medicines and necessary medical equipment and materials for performing surgeries and for the provision of urgent medical services to our Palestinian people there.

The delegation was headed by Dr Riyadh Masharqah, President of PalMed, Europe. The doctors and medical professionals specialised in:

– Paediatric surgery

– Intensive care and anaesthesia

– Vascular surgery

– Emergency surgery

– Critical care nursing

– Orthopaedic surgery

– Anaesthesia and Emergency

By the grace and guidance of God, and through their continuous efforts over the span of two weeks, the team members were able to perform dozens of surgical operations and specialised surgical interventions in all their specialties.



The Association of Palestinian Doctors in Europe – PalMed – will continue sending specialised medical delegations to the Gaza Strip to perform their professional and humanitarian duty in supporting the resilience of the dedicated medical teams there, despite the severe shortage of medicines and medical equipment, in light of the increasing numbers of casualties and injuries.

In this regard, we thank The Almighty for the safe return of our delegation members. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all donors, contributors, volunteers, and supporters, both from institutions as well as individuals, who supported the efforts of PalMed towards sending doctors and purchasing medicines and medical supplies to serve our people in Palestine.

May God reward you all with abundant goodness.

For Donation :-

Gaza Emergency Medical Appeal


Arrival in Gaza of the Fourth Specialised Delegation of the Palestinian Doctors Association in Europe (PalMed) and the Sixth Delegation of Rahma Worldwide Foundation

Highlighting the unwavering commitment of our medical professionals dedicated to serving Palestine, a joint delegation of PalMed and Rahma  Worldwide Foundation has safely arrived in Gaza. The delegation’s medical professionals aim to persist in their endeavours to bolster the healthcare infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and stand in solidarity with the Palestinian medical community and the innocent civilians there.
On Monday, March 18, 2024, a delegation comprising 22 esteemed colleagues, specialising in the fields below, arrived in Gaza for this purpose, equipped with requisite medical provisions and equipment essential for Gaza’s hospitals, including supplies for surgeries and medical services for our Palestinian brethren:
Intensive Care and Anaesthesia
Vascular Surgery
Burns and Cosmetic Surgery
Paediatric Surgery
Emergency Surgery
Intensive Care Nursing
Orthopaedic Surgery
Anaesthesia and Emergency

Leading this delegation is Dr Riyadh Masharqah, a distinguished specialist in burns and cosmetic surgery and the President of PalMed – Europe. The delegation intends to engage in a two-week mission in the Gaza Strip, conducting a series of specialised surgeries and urgent medical interventions.
Moreover, with the grace of God, PalMed pledges to continue dispatching specialised medical delegations to the Gaza Strip, fulfilling their professional and humanitarian calling in fortifying the resilience of the dedicated local medical teams there, notwithstanding the acute shortages of medicines and medical equipment required to address the escalating numbers of casualties and injuries.
We extend our heartfelt wishes for the safety of the delegation and all medical teams in the Gaza Strip, as well as for the well-being of our Palestinian brethren therein.


PalMed Academy Launches GEM Initiative to Rebuild Medical Education in Gaza

In a groundbreaking move to address the disruption caused by the destruction of health and educational institutions in Gaza, PalMed Academy, an affiliate of PalMed Europe, has officially launched the Gaza Educate Medics (GEM) initiative.
PalMed Academy, the Palestinian doctors association in Europe, has been at the forefront of efforts to resume the education of 2500 medical students in Gaza. The initiative was unveiled during a preliminary public meeting on March 9, 2024, attended by distinguished academics, consultants, and medical professionals.
Chaired by Professor Mahmoud Loubani, the meeting featured a presentation by Dr. Lubna Saghir, Consultant in family medicine, introducing the concept of GEM. The initiative aims to establish a virtual medical college, leveraging the expertise of volunteering academics and consultants worldwide to educate Gaza’s medical students. This approach allows students to follow their own syllabus and graduate from their respective colleges, preserving the institutions’ accreditation.
Dr. Riyad Masharqa, Consultant plastic surgeon and Chair of PalMed Europe, outlined the ambitious goals of PalMed and the Academy in supporting this crucial project. The operational structure of GEM, as explained by Professor Loubani, includes various committees to facilitate the implementation of the initiative. Attendees were invited to enroll in committees aligning with their expertise.

The second half of the meeting saw lively discussions and comments from professionals across America, Europe, Palestine, Qatar, Egypt, Turkey, and the UK. Participants from the International Conference for Rebuilding Health Care in Gaza, including Professor Omar Lattuf and Professor Ruba Ali Fahmi, expressed unanimous support for the GEM initiative.
Delegates from Gaza’s medical colleges, as well as representatives from Aberdeen in Scotland, London, and Ireland, were in attendance. The GEM initiative received enthusiastic approval from all delegates, with Professor Lattuf and Professor Ruba Ali pledging their full support.
Forms for registering in GEM committees have been distributed to interested parties, and a brief outline of the initiative’s structure, along with a registration form, is available for those looking to contribute. The PalMed Academy encourages interested individuals to join before the first follow-up meeting in six weeks.
Dr. Bashier Oudeh, Secretary of PalMed Academy, stated, “We are confident there will be a great number of eminent volunteers coming forward as we extend our invitation to colleagues all over the world.”

For more information, please contact PalMed Academy through email at



GEM meeting




March 5, 2024

Invited by the European Parliament, a delegation from the Palestinian Doctors Association in Europe – France branch – visited the European Parliament in Brussels. The purpose of the visit was to present testimonies from doctors returning from the Gaza Strip after participating in medical missions sent by the association to support the healthcare sector there.

The delegation members provided vivid testimonies illustrating the humanitarian and health challenges faced by the residents of the Gaza Strip due to the aggression against them. Additionally, the delegation distributed a press release on behalf of the Palestinian Doctors Association in Europe – France branch, urging the European Union to take a strong stance to halt the aggression and contribute to bringing in more doctors and medical aid to Gaza, preventing further innocent casualties in the region.




English Report.                      In French                          In Arabic


Cairo, 04/03/2024


Members of the medical delegation from PalMedEurope andRAHMA WORLDWIDE  in the Gaza Strip have returned after a two-week medical relief mission, dedicated to serving the wounded and sick there. This is part of the ongoing efforts of PalMedEurope to support the healthcare sector in the Gaza Strip and stand by their colleagues there.

The delegation consisted of the following specialties:

Facial and eye surgery

Resuscitation and intensive care

Vascular surgery

Chest surgery

Emergency medicine

Orthopaedic surgery

Operating theater nurses

With God’s grace, the delegation brought in quantities of medicines and medical supplies for surgeries, intensive care units, and anaesthesia. They were able to perform dozens of successful surgical operations for patients and the wounded.

PalMedEurope will continue to send specialised medical delegations to the Gaza Strip, and is already in the process of sending the third specialised medical delegation soon, God Willing. This is to fulfil our professional and humanitarian duty towards enhancing the resilience of the dedicated local medical teams in Gaza and to serve our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

All thanks and appreciation to the colleagues who participated in the delegation, as well as to the donors and supporters of PalMed’s activities.





Second PalMed Delegation Safely Arrives in Gaza

In collaboration with Rahma Worldwide, PalMed’s second delegation of Palestinian doctors safely arrives in the Gaza Strip.

As part of the ongoing efforts by the Palestinian Doctors’ Association in Europe (PalMedEurope) to support the healthcare sector in Gaza and enhance solidarity with their colleagues there, and in association with Rahma Worldwide, a joint delegation of 21 medical professionals arrived today in Gaza. The team is fully equipped with necessary supplies and medications, covering various specialties, including:
·       Maxillofacial surgery
·       Anaesthesia and intensive care
·       Vascular surgery
·       Chest surgery
·       Emergency medicine
·       Operating room nurses

The Palestinian Doctors’ Association in Europe commits to sending specialised medical delegations to the Gaza Strip to provide professional and humanitarian support, reinforcing the resilience of local medical teams, despite the severe shortage of drugs and medical equipment, to cope with the increasing number of casualties due to the ongoing Israeli aggression.
We wish safety for the delegation and all medical personnel in the Gaza Strip, along with our hopes for the recovery of all patients and the injured.

Together, we heal wounds.


Press Release

Unprecedented Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds at Nasser Medical Complex by Israeli Occupation Forces

In a shocking display of disregard for human life, the Israeli occupation has transformed the Nasser Medical Complex into a military barracks, rendering it non-operational and exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis. Medical staff, dedicated to saving lives, have been subjected to reprehensible treatment-bound for extended periods, physically assaulted, beaten, and stripped of their clothing within the confines of the maternity building.
Adding to the gravity of the situation, Israeli forces have arrested a staggering 70 healthcare professionals at the hospital, leaving a mere 25 staff members struggling to cope with cases requiring intensive clinical care. The arrest of the intensive care doctors further compounds the tragedy, leaving critical cases without proper medical oversight. Disturbingly, dozens of bedridden and helpless patients, already undergoing treatment, were forcibly removed from the complex, endangering their lives and well-being.
The appalling conditions are exacerbated by the intentional cutting off of electricity to Nasser Medical Complex for three days, resulting in the interruption of oxygen supply. Tragically, seven patients have already succumbed to the consequences, and there are fears for the lives of dozens currently in critical care. Moreover, the suspension of generators has left the complex without water, food, and hygiene, creating oppressive and unsafe conditions for the three women, one of whom is a doctor, who gave birth within its walls. As sewage water floods emergency departments, the Israeli occupation refusal to coordinate repairs further compounds the suffering. The international community is urged to condemn these reprehensible actions, as we hold the Israeli occupation fully responsible for the lives of medical teams and patients at Nasser Medical Complex.


French Parliament and Assembly Hear Testimonies from The PalMed Euroep Team Returning from Gaza

In a significant session, the French Parliament and Assembly listened to testimonies from the medical team affiliated with the Palestinian Doctors Association, who recently returned from the besieged Gaza Strip.
During the meeting, members of the association, having spent 12 days in the embattled Gaza Strip, briefed French parliamentarians on the overall situation in Gaza. They highlighted the health conditions, especially in hospitals, in light of the Israeli aggression and invasion of the region. The discussion shed light on the challenges of bringing urgent medical and humanitarian aid to the population, including the healthcare sector, due to restrictions on entry.
The delegation spoke passionately about children suffering injuries to their heads or abdomens, or losing limbs. Shockingly, infants were reported to be dying within 4 or 5 hours of birth due to continuous bombardment, food shortages, and a lack of necessary medical care. The delegation anticipates a significant increase in the official death toll due to the ongoing aggression and the prevention of aid and emergency medical teams.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the delegation called on attendees to exert pressure on the French government and decision-making centers to support an end to the aggression and allow medical and humanitarian aid to enter the affected region.
In response, Mathilde Panot, a member of the French Parliament representing Region 94, Chair of the Left Committee in the French National Assembly, and a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, tweeted on her official platform:







Powerful and impactful testimonies from doctors and nurses of the PalMed Association returning from #Gaza. They speak of children injured in the head, abdomen, or losing limbs. Infants are dying within 4 or 5 hours of birth. Remarkable courage from Palestinian healthcare workers. One doctor tells us that the official casualty numbers should double or triple. These words are crucial to break the silence around the hell in Gaza and urgently call for a clear direction: a ceasefire!


The specialized delegation of the Palestinian Doctors Association returns from Gaza.

Thanks to God and with His help, the delegation of the Palestinian Doctors Association in Europe, safely returned on 2/5. The delegation entered the Gaza Strip on 23/1, in collaboration with the RAHMA Worldwide Foundation.
The team consisted of 22 doctors, including 12 doctors from the Palestinian Doctors Association in Europe with expertise in the following medical specialties: Professor in War Medicine, Emergency Medicine Specialist, Cardiovascular Surgeon, three specialists in Resuscitation and Intensive Care, Orthopedic Surgeon, Thoracic Surgeon, Pediatric Surgeon, Gynecological Surgeon, and an Intensive Care Nurse. The association equipped the delegation with various medical supplies and equipment, enabling them to perform all the surgical operations needed by the patients.
Several doctors conducted field visits to the medical Clinic affiliated with the association, assessing their needs and discussing ways to improve their workflow under these difficult conditions.
In this context, we affirm that the Palmed Europe will continue to send medical delegations to support our fellow doctors and healthcare workers in the Gaza and to treat the injuries of our afflicted people.

For Donation :


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