
13/02/2014 Other

PalMed Germany at a turning point in its sixth annual conference

Hamburg witnessed the 6th conference between the 22nd and the 25th of June in the presence of more than 100 participants from the Palestinian healthcare professionals and supporters of the Palestinian cause from Germany healthcare professionals.

The professional theme of the conference was on vascular surgery and interventional radiology. The meeting discussed the current status of these surgeries in Palestine and the most recent updates in this field in the world.

Dr Muneer Deeb welcomed the participants and paid attributes to Hamburg’s reputation of leading on hospitality and openness to the world. He updated the attendees on acquiring the EU recognition of PalMed Europe to be able to advance healthcare facilities for Palestinians in Palestine and wherever they exist. Dr Deeb also updated participants on the progress of main PalMed projects in Palestine including the German project on vascular surgeries and interventional radiology, the British project on kidney transplant, the French project on urological surgeries and the Italian project on orthopaedic surgery.

The conference also welcomed Dr Musa Abu Daggah, Chairman of the Association of Quality Assurance in the Ministry of Higher Education in Palestine. Abu Daggah reiterated the ministry’s aspirations towards establishing a Palestinian-European University of Technology building on the successes and links between Palestine and Europe.

The conference then included scientific lectures and workshops from consultants in the fields. Dr Hans Schindler presented his experience in conducting cardiovascular surgeries. Dr Schindler visited Gaza twice and reported on the difficulties and challenges faced by his Palestinian colleagues when trying to save lives under siege and occupations. Dr Nael Abu Saleem reported on his experience of operating on vascular stents in Gaza. The conference also included many sessions on professional issues including Islamic medical ethics and current humanitarian crisis in Syria.

 At the end of the conference the General Meeting was held where the previous Administrative Board submitted their resignation and a new Board was elected. The new Board consisted of Dr. Ashraf Dada, Dr. Khalil Halabe, Dr. Ghada Abu Easha, Dr. Azzam Athamne, Dr. Mustafa El-Khatib, Dr. Mohammad Banat und Dr. Majdi Natour.

The conference included paying tributes to those of Palestinian origin who acquired new degrees or specialisation in the medical field in Germany.

The conference didn’t miss out on presentation of cultural, social and art sessions from Palestinian Folk in addition to some tourist visits to some of Hamburg attractions.


27/05/2012 West Bank Office

PalMed’s urology team returns to France after success

Following months of preparations, PalMed-France in cooperation with the French embassy in Jerusalem sent a medical team specialized in Urology consisting of Dr. Rau’f Al-Salty (urologist) and Dr. Hervey Aplaz (anaesthetist) and nurses Monique Jerand and Josette Du’gand.

During the visit which lasted from 27/5 till 5/6, the team performed several surgeries in the Dr. Khalil Sulieman Hospital in Jenin and the Bethlahem Arab Society for Rehabilitation.

The team also delivered some urgently needed medical supplies and equipment. Dr. Kamel Asrheed (Director of the Dr. Khalil Sulieman Hospital) expressed his gratitude to the team and sent a letter of thanks to PalMed EU. Both parties are looking forward to creating further opportunities allowing them to cooperate in serving Palestinian patients.


13/12/2011 Other

PalMed- Italy on its third annual meeting

The meeting took place in June of this year in the town of brescia in lombardia in the north of Italy. Doctors from all over Italy participated in the meeting that was also attended by PalMed Europe Chairman, Dr Mohammed Salim.

The meeting updated attendees on the latest news from Italy and Europe, including the acquisition of the EU recognition of PalMed as a professional not-for-profit charity with it’s headquarter located in Brussels.

The meeting was a great opportunity for members to network and exchange ideas of supporting the Palestinian cause.

The meeting was concluded with the resignation of the previous Administrative Board and the election of a new Board consisting of: Dr Ra’ed Majdalawy as Chairman, Dr Imad Joulany as Vice Chairman, Ashraf Sheikh Kasem as Secretary, Dr Aysam Meshney as Treasurer, Dr Ameen Titi responsible for Aid and emergency Committee, Dr Deeb Buhaisy for internal affairs and Dr Basem Abdulhadi for Media affairs.


09/12/2011 Other

PalMed sends third medical aid convoy to Gaza Camp of Jordan

Dr Murad Odeh, a General surgeon from Italy led the medical convoy to Gaza Camp of Jerash, Jordan for the second time. The convoy provided medical assessment of refugees and provided treatment to those in need. They also gave some aid to needy families.

Gaza Camp of Jerash hosts over 28,000 Palestinian refugees on an area of 750,000 m2.


05/12/2011 West Bank Office

PalMed-France welcomes Palestinian children to France

PalMed –France, in an initiative with French organisations and the Belgian council invited a group of Palestinian children from Hebron and Nablus to spend the weekend in several European cities. The aim of the visit was to reduce the psychological pressure are under and the psychological problems they suffer from as a result of the occupation, 

the lack of services and the harsh circumstances they live in. Amongst the children was Amir; the youngest Palestinian prisoner who was detained at 8 years old while Yazan, who was also amongst the children went through the horrors of witnessing the assassination of his parents and siblings during an invasion on Nablus.

The group which consisted of 12 boys and girls aged 12 to 14 visited Marseille, Lille, Paris, Calais and finally Brussels where the group was officially greeted in the city’s council. The deputy mayor of the town thanked PalMed’s efforts aimed at reducing the suffering of Palestinian children and promised to continue working with them to serve them. The visit ended on the 10th and the children went home with presents to their peers in Nablus and Hebron after spending ten days in the hospitality of the PalMed. Their parents thanked the Forum and showed their appreciation towards its efforts even when they were busy with welcoming their children back. 


31/08/2011 Gaza Office

PalMed puts a smile on the faces of people with special needs


In an attempt to reduce the suffering of the Palestinian people in the holy month of Ramadan, PalMed-France raised donations for the Salam for Special Needs organization. The amount was dispersed to people with special needs in Gaza. This support comes at a time when people with special needs and disabilities are living in very harsh circumstances. They lack the equipment and materials needed to overcome daily difficulties.

The organisation represented by its chair Mr. Mohammed Al-Arabi showed its gratitude towards this generous gesture which 68 families benefitted from. He also mentioned that he was looking forward to developing further cooperation between the two organizations.


29/08/2011 Gaza Office

PalMed fives €10,000 worth of medicine to children’s hospital in Gaza

PalMed-France sent a shipment of 10,000 worth of essential medicine and drugs to the Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Ranteesi Hospital in the Gaza strip in August. The shipment was given mainly to the neurological disorders department in the hospital and included medicine for epilepsy and baby’s milk.The hospital’s deputy head Dr Mustafa Al-Eela sent PalMed EU a letter of thanks in which he expressed his gratitude and appreciation to what it does while the Forum pledged to continue its efforts to reduce the suffering of Palestinian patients especially children.


23/07/2011 Gaza Office

Members of the Young Journalists Club in Gaza meet PalMed in France

A delegation from the Young Journalists Club in Gaza will be visiting France as a response to an invitation by the French town of Neffies. PalMed EU chair Dr. Mohammed Al-Salem will be accompanying the delegation in addition to a number of others. The delegation will consist of 5 girls: Maram, Nour, Rana, Lara and Emma who will participate in the 5th Youth for Peace meeting.

Whilst listening to members of the delegation, a sense of respect is immediately given towards these girls who came from a besieged land and who insist on carrying a clear message and on making their voices heard. Their message is a message of humanity and struggle to the youth and to the peace loving forces in this world. After having a conversation with them they appear to be very mature unlike the misconceptions one would have towards people coming from a place with unusual and harsh circumstances and that has been besieged for the past 4 years.

Each one of the girls has a different character, one is shy, one is more willing to start a conversation, one speaks English while the other speaks French. However, they all insist to deliver one united message. One girl answered a journalist’s question saying “We want the free world to listen to us so we can explain our case. The Palestinian people are civilized and love other peoples from other countries. We are open to other cultures and experiences and we like to follow international events”. She added that “Palestinians like to travel, go out and see the world; however we are unable to do so because of the siege and the halt of the peace process. We are one of the most energetic and active people in the region and we have several talents and potentials, all we need is solidarity and support”.

They also added that they condemn the Israeli siege on Gaza. The physical and psychological scars it is causing to children, women and Gazans reminds them of the war Israel lead on Gaza.

They appear as professional journalists when they are actually students in different faculties such as Arts, Humanities and Business. At the same time, they run the Young Journalists Club in Gaza.

They represent the link between Palestinian’s suffering  and the attempt to express this suffering to Western reporters by taking photographs, gathering evidences, running websites and contacting media outlets in an attempt to make their voices heard. The delegation was invited as part of the club’s activities to take part in the fifth meeting for the Youth for Peace.

Lille was the next stop for these girls where they met representatives of several organisations (such as the France-Palestine Solidarity Organisation) in order to promote the club’s activities and to speak to the youth in the city.

Their next stop will be next Friday and will be in Paris to see the Eiffel tower before travelling back to Palestine to continue their struggle.


18/06/2011 West Bank Office

PalMed-France organises a ceremony for the urinary tract surgery team following success

Amidst the cold French Alps a warm atmosphere surrounded the ceremony that took place between the PalMed-France delegation consisting of Dr. Mohammed Al-Salem (PalMed EU chair), Dr Amani Abu-Qasem (treasurer), Dr. Jasem Syam (head of media department-France) and Dr. Sara Abu-Qasem (member) with different Arab and Palestinian doctors and medical staff in France who attended to discover more about the Forum’s activities. 

Saturday, 18 June 2011 00:00

The ceremony was opened with a speech by Dr. Saleh Amr; head of the Palestinian community in Grenoble and the organiser of the event who greeted and welcomed the audience and PalMed-France. This was followed by a speech by Dr. Mohammed Al-Salem chair of Palmed EU who also welcomed the 150 attendees and also introduced the Forum, its accomplishments and its objectives.

A selection of Middle Eastern dishes and desserts were served for dinner which was followed by a presentation by Dr. Rauf and Dr Hervey of the medical missions made in Bethlehem and Jenin. They presented photos of some of the surgeries they had performed there and explained the medical difficulties Palestinians suffer from. They also showed some of the sites they visited in Jenin.

Dr. Hervey then emphasised the importance of such projects and the impact they have on Palestinian people. At the end of his speech, Dr Al-Salem thanked the delegation for their efforts and presented them with some Palestinian token gifts. The ceremony continued till after midnight where the audience chanted Palestinian songs and danced the traditional dabkeh dance.

At the end of the ceremony Dr. Al-Salem thanked all those who attended from the Syrian, Lebanese, Algerian and Moroccan communities and also thanked, Mr. Abu Nael and Dr. Suliaman Al-Dahshan, Dr. Anas Alouairy and finally Dr. Haidar and Dr. Nabil Abushammaleh who both came from Lebanon and Gaza respectively.

The cold weather was again outdone by the warm atmosphere that surrounded a delicious Eastern breakfast which D. Al-Salem invited his Syrian colleague to in his restraint in Grenoble.

PalMed EU delegation completes operations successfully in Gaza hospitals


A delegation of PalMed EU doctors volunteered in a number of hospitals during their visit to Gaza. The delegation consisted of Dr. Osama Shameyye (PalMed-Germany) a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology with extensive experience in laparoscopic surgery and the treatment of women’s involuntarily urination. He performed the first laparoscopic hysterectomy there in addition to a number of other unique operations. For two weeks, he also participated in training a number of colleagues in several hospitals there.

Dr. Osama gave a lecture on the treatment of involuntary urination and helped out in a number of surgeries. His performance was admired by his colleagues especially heads of the women and childbirth departments in Al-Shifaa’ hospital who asked him to visit again in order to expand his training sessions. He was also mentioned in local newspapers and media.

Dr. Sayyed Altaramsi (member of the executive board at PalMed-Germany), specialist in family medicine and alternate medicine set up a free clinic at his house which was met with popularity especially in Al-Shate’ camp.

Dr. Munib Deeb (head of PalMed-Germany) visited several surgical departments in Al-Shifaa’ hospital. He also met with the head of the PalMed office in Gaza: Dr. Mohammed Abu Nada and the medical director of Al-Shifaa’ hospital Dr. Naser Al-tatar. In the meeting they discussed means of future cooperation between them in order to develop the departments and staff. Dr. Mohammed Al-Ran (a consultant in general surgery) joined them and they discussed the role of PalMed EU in current projects such as the anus and rectum surgical department which PalMed EU is currently developing.

In a daily meeting and in front of a crowd of surgeons, Dr. Sobhi Skeik warmly welcomed PalMed’s team and praised its efforts during and following the war on Gaza. He also highlighted the role of European doctors in developing the medical situation in Palestine.

The delegation visited the external anus and rectum surgery recently constructed and surgical equipment was delivered on the expense of everyone.

Dr. Munir, performed the first laparoscopic tumour removal in Al-Shifaa’ hospital which was completed successfully despite the severe lack of equipment.

PalMed EU would like to thank these unique doctors for their special performances n serving their people who are in desperate need of their medical expertise.

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